How To Install Efashion Universe Appliance

September 25, 2014 This blog post is inspired by a recent customer request to challenge their decision to use Design Studio for some “dashboard requirements”. Showing how you can create a dashboard in Webi doesn’t mean I told the customer not to use Design Studio. Much more it is to show that finally a dashboard as well as every other type of BI front end solution is made up of requirements and not primarily by the tool you build the solution. Please refer to my for more details as well as my post regarding. Having said this, let’s have a look at how we can use latest Webi 4.1 features to quickly build an interactive dashboard without the need of (much) scripting. First of all here is what the final result looks like: You can select values from the left side bar (Product Lines), you can select States by directly clicking into the table and you can switch from the bar chart to a line chart. Here you see it in action: The first step to achieve this, is to create the basic table and the two charts.

Until the dynamic switch is implemented, I placed them side by side. Next add a simple input control in the left side bar: Next thing is to define the table as an additional input control – right click the table and choose “Linking” and “Add Element Link”, choose the two chart objects as dependencies: Next we need to create the “switch” to toggle the two charts. As I would like to position this switch at the top right corner of the chart, I again use a table input control.

Sep 26, 2006  It's just a universe and a database. Set it up the same way you would access any other database. The easist thing to do is to install the desktop tools on your server. The demo will then be installed. I have both the Server tools and Desktop tools are installed in the same PC. The Demos are installed in the folder C:Program FilesBusiness. It came in the format of a Microsoft Access database on top of which a pre-built universe was running using an ODBC connection. The local folder where you extracted the files, use an FTP client tool to copy the folder dataset/index into the work directory of your HANA instance on the HANA appliance.


May 4, 2012 I’ve just noticed a problem with our. The problem is with eFashion and other MS Access based demo databases, namely that you get the following error in (online) Webi, both on BO 4.0 SP02 as well as with FP3 – due to 64bit connectivity problems: You don’t get the error in Webi Rich Client usually. In this post I will quickly outline the reasons for this and how to solve it: First of all: Others got these errors too: The answers from SAP (namely ) are not really satisfying. Of course it is not very clever to use Access as a demo datasource – but why SAP then provides these (access based) samples in BO 4.0 and not e.g. Within the database they include within the setup? Anyway, there are three options you can choose:. Move your efashion and other MS Access databases to a “real” database like SQL Server (Express), MySQL etc.

It must be just accessible by 32 AND 64 bit drivers. Migrate to BO4 FP3 – and read the rest of the blog of how you can get Access databases running.

If you are on BO4 SP2 – sorry, I don’t know a way how to get Access running on a 64bit driver – if you are interested in the reason, read on (If you know another solution, please post a comment!) In BO 4.0 still all the client tools (like the Webi Rich Client) use 32bit drivers. Regarding eFashion this is not a problem as any default Windows XP / 7 / Server will provide preinstalled drivers. The BOE setup will automatically create the corresponding 32bit-ODBC datasources. Therefore you’re all fine. Download wincc flexible 2008 sp 100 reviews. On server side it is important to note that e.g. Webi Processing Server always uses 64bit drivers.

As far as I can overlook it as well for MS Access. But these 64bit drivers seem not to be installed by default, at least they weren’t on my environments. In addition there is a strange thing that the BOE setup creates both, 32bit as well as 64bit ODBC connections for eFashion and club.The below screenshot shows the 64bit ODBC Admin (trust me 🙂 But be careful: Whereas the 32bit ODBC connections work fine at least on my side I got the following errors when I wanted to modify e.g. The efashion connection: If you want to create a new ODBC connection you will notify there are no 64bit drivers installed for MS Access: My suggestion to solve this is to go here and download the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable – because there is a 64bit setup / drivers for this: Download the 64bit setup and run it: Finally your 64bit ODBC Admin “Add connection” dialog should look like this: Now you can create the efashion, efashion-webi etc. Data sources. Make sure you write it absolutely identical as it is written in the 32bit ODBC connection!

How To Install Efashion Universe Appliance Outlet

So far everything works fine for both, BO 4.0 SP02 as well as FP3. As usual there is a big BUT: You will still get the same errors shown right at the beginning of this post. Remember, you just installed the Access 2010 redistributable.

This means you have to change your universe connection to use the appropriate driver (for this log in to Universe Design Tool and choose Tools – Connections). And here is, where at least I had to say there is no (obvious) way of how to solve it with SP02: Sorry guys, no Access 2010 support in BO 4.0 SP02. But at least FP3 provides something for us: And finally it should work. To sum up:.

On a BO 4.0 FP3 server install MS Access 2010 Redistributable 64bit. Create necessary 64bit ODBC connection. Modify your universe connections to point to the Access2010 driver. have fun with efashion 😉 PS: I don’t have any issues with our BO 4.0 SP02 environment which has SP02 installed only as a Patch. We installed this environment during ramp-up for SP02 (in these times Webi was still labeled Interactive Analysis, that’s why I noticed the difference) and only later applied SP02. I didn’t investigate, but it seems like Webi Proc servers uses 32bit drivers here (no 64bit drivers for access installed on this system) PPS: Don’t have FP3 available but you ‘d like to test yourself?

How To Install Efashion Universe Appliances

I can get you easily access to copy on – see the corresponding Do you have similar experiences? Any other hint I missed? Please post your comment.

How To Install Efashion Universe Appliance Service

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