Bentley Jp Principles Of Measurement Systems Pdf File
Description of the book 'Principles of Measurement Systems': Measurement is an essential activity in every branch of technology and science, the fourth edition of this successful text has been extensively extended and updated to include new developments in measurement devices and technology. Download Ebook Principles of Measurement Systems 4th Edition Read more about Download Ebook Principles of Measurement Systems 4th Edition People come to this page is interested on: “Principles of Measurement Systems” by J. P.Bentley pdf, bentley instrumentation ebook, Bentley J P, “Principles of measurement systems”, 4th edition, 2005, pdf, bentley jp principles of measurement. Mental principles of measurement which underlie these studies. The book treats measurement as a coherent and integrated subject by presenting it as the study of measurement systems. A measurement system is an information system which presents an observer with a numerical value corresponding to the vari-able being measured.
Syllabus Case Studies and exercises will be drawn from the following: 1. Flow measurement, with a focus on oil and gas applications. Flow meters; calibration and performance; fiscal allocation and techniques for multiphase flow measurement. Sensor set identification and optimization for system troubleshooting applications. Process Instrumentation from a Systems Engineering perspective - selection(throughout Conceptual Design and Front End Engineering Design phases) and performance of industrial transducers for measuring process variables (e.g. Flow, level, pressure, temperature), specification of measurement systems for industrial applications, including monitoring, diagnosis and prognosis systems parameters, benchmarking and optimising system performance, on/off-site troubleshooting. Teaching / Learning Strategy Lecture material will be delivered within the first week of the 3 week cycle.
The material covered in the lectures will be reinforced and consolidated through tutorials and computer simulation work which will take place over the following 2 weeks. Students will study and solve industrially relevant measurement problems encouraging divergent thinking and broader, deeper learning. Students will undertake work which will develop technical report writing skills and communication skills in general. Through the study of national and international codes standards, students will be global learners. Through the use of the managed learning environment GCU Learn, students will become more engaged, flexible and independent in their learning as there will be a wide range of learning resources available on line.
In addition to the core module content, links to relevant databases for the sourcing of additional reading material from the current research in the subject area from around the world will be made available. Students will receive individual feedback on their performance though one-to-one contact with tutors at tutorials and practical sessions and marked coursework which will reinforce the students' learning. Distance Learning Students will be provided with a study pack consisting of directed learning notes covering a series of in-depth case studies and software. GCULearn will be used to support the delivery of the module and tutors will be available for consultation via GCULearn, e-mail and telephone. Materials, including AV versions of lectures and tutorials, will be available via GCULearn.
Indicative Reading Jennions, I.K., (2012). Integrated Vehicle Health Management - Perspectives on an Emerging Field, SAE International, 2012.
System Of Measurement
& Beitz, W., (1988). Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach, Springer-Verlag. Berlin Stone, R.B., & Wood, K.L., (2000). Development of a functional basis for design, Journal of Mechanical Design, pp. Walker, M., & Kapadia, R., (2009). Integrated Design of On-line Health and Prognostics Management, Proceeding of International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management. San Diego, CA September 27 - October 1, USA.
Principles of Measurement Systems, J.P. Bentley, 2005, 4th Edition, Longman. ISBN-10: Measurement Systems- Application and Design, E.O. Doebelin, 2003, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill International, ISBN 0- Appropriate journal and conference articles, including those hosted in the NEL and CEESI virtual libraries; and Measurement+Control, the journal of the Institute of Measurement and Control.