Sample Xsd And Xml File

Sample XSD file: Simple schema.; 2 minutes to read +1; In this article. The following XSD file is used in various examples in the XSD Schema Designer documentation. This file is a simple purchase order schema. The online tool here: does a pretty good job at answering your question.

. The XML builder works from XML files. The purpose of this topic is to describe how these XML files must be built so that they can be correctly decoded by the XML builder. About XML and XSD files Extensible Markup Language (XML) is similar to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). An HTML file contains both data and information about how it's presented. An XML file contains data only.

XML data is embedded within tags that add meaning. For example, 24 declares the numeral 24 to be a price. In XML terms, this price is referred to as an element. Other elements might be product names, quantities, or totals.

While a person can look at the XML tag and determine that 24 is a price, it's more important that software can extract price elements from the file; this isn't possible with the HTML file. An XML file is based on an XML Schema Definition (XSD). An XSD file provides the syntax and defines the way in which elements and attributes can be represented in an XML document; it defines a type of XML document in terms of constraints on what elements and attributes may appear and their relationship to each other, what types of data may be in them, and other things. XMLBuilderDiagram XSD file in details The XMLBuilderDiagram XML schema definition is the XML schema that provides the syntax for the XML files that can be decoded by the ArcGIS Schematics XML Builder.

This XSD file is installed by default in ArcGIS Schematics XMLSchema. Any XML file that is compatible with the XML Builder starts and ends with the Diagrams tag. DiagramTemplateName and DiagramName are optional parameters. When the EnforceDiagramTemplateName or EnforceDiagramName parameter are False, the diagram template name and diagram name need to be redefined on the New Schematic Diagram dialog box. The following sections are then expected for each diagram:. The first possible tag for a diagram is PropertySet, which can be used to define property values related to the diagram. This section is optional.

XMLDataSource esriDataSourcesGDB.AccessWorkspaceFactory C: ArcGIS ArcTutor Schematics DatasetEditor XMLDataAssociatedFeatureClasses.mdb. The last expected section is Features, which details all the schematic features contained in the diagram. Because four kinds of schematic features can be displayed in schematic diagrams (node, link, node on link, and sublink), four kinds of tags can be defined in this section: NodeFeature, LinkFeature, NodeOnLinkFeature, and SubLinkFeature. Two specific attributes are mandatory for a feature element, regardless of its type: FeatureClassName, which references the name of the schematic feature class that implements this schematic feature in the schematic diagram, and ExternalUniqueID, which corresponds to the schematic feature identifier. Then, several optional parameters can be found for a feature element such as: DatasourceName, UCID, UOID, and USID (the ClassID, ObjectID, and subtype ID of the associated GIS feature/object in the DatasourceName database when a GIS feature/object is related to the schematic feature); RelatedContainerID (the ID of the schematic feature's container); and PropertySet (that details all the property values related to the schematic feature). Specific attributes can or must be defined for schematic features, depending on their type:.

For a NodeFeature type, the InitialX and InitialY optional attributes can also be set to specify the x- and y-coordinates of the schematic feature: Following is a sample of a NodeFeature element. Stations Station-1 XMLDataSource 1 1 Container-1 -4462 2828 Feeder 1 Name WABY Capacity 1 Type A.

For a LinkFeature type, the FromNode and ToNode attributes are mandatory. They must reference the NodeFeature identifiers related to the origin and extremity nodes. The Vertices tag can also be found to specify the set of Vertex that can be displayed along the link, each vertex being displayed at the x- and y-coordinates. Following is a sample of a LinkFeature element. LVLines LVLine-52 XMLDataSource 5 52 Station-33 Station-45 Rate 452456 Category S -562.37451 -2935.90906 -199999 -3254.90854 509.88013 -3298.78026.

For a NodeOnLinkFeature type, the ReferenceLink and InitialPosition mandatory attributes are expected. The ReferenceLink specifies the LinkFeature identifier the node on link is related to, and the InitialPosition is used to specify the absolute or relative position of the node on link on its related link. Following is a sample of a NodeOnLinkFeature element. NOL N1 myDS 0.5 L1. For a SubLinkFeature type, the ReferenceLink, FromNode, and ToNode mandatory attributes are expected. The ReferenceLink specifies the LinkFeature identifier the sublink is related to, and the FromNode and ToNode reference the NodeFeature identifiers that are related to the origin and extremity nodes of the sublink.

Following is a sample of a SubLinkFeature element.

XML schema (XSD) Overview An XML schema, commonly known as an XML Schema Definition (XSD), formally describes what a given XML document can contain, in the same way that a database schema describes the data that can be contained in a database (i.e. Table structure, data types, constraints etc.). The XML schema defines the shape, or structure, of an XML document, along with rules for data content and semantics such as what fields an element can contain, which sub elements it can contain and how many items can be present.

It can also describe the type and values that can be placed into each element or attribute. The XML data constraints are called facets and include rules such as min and max length. This tutorial guides you through the basics of the XSD standard and the examples use the graphical XML Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

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XML Schema Standards. XML Schema Definition (XSD) is currently the de facto standard for describing XML documents and is the XML Schema standard we will concentrate on in this tutorial.

Sample Xsd And Xml File

XSD is controlled by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). An XSD is itself an XML document, and there is even an XSD to describe the XSD standard. Document Type Definition (DTD) was the first formalized standard but has now, in most cases, been superseded by XSD.

XML Data Reduced (XDR) was an early attempt but Microsoft to provide a more comprehensive standard than DTD. This standard has been phased out in the Microsoft products in favour of XSD. There are also a number of other schema standards such as Schematron and RELAX NG. XML Design Tools The XSD standard has evolved over a number of years, and is extremely comprehensive and as a result has become rather complex.

For this reason it is a good idea to make use of a when working with XSDs. Is an advanced graphical XML editor containing all the tools needed for designing, developing and testing XML applications complying with the W3C standards.

Features include an XML Editor, XML Schema Editor, XML Data Mapper, XPath and XQuery Debugger, WSDL Editor, Web Service Tools, integration with Microsoft Visual Studio and much more. XML Development Tools For those who wish to programmatically work with XML documents, XML Data Binding is a much easier way to manipulate your documents using an object oriented approach to enforce the XML schema rules and constraints.

Is an advanced XML toolkit and code generator that will save you many hours of repetitive coding by allowing you to treat your XML documents as an object model within your C, C#, Java, Silverlight or Visual Basic source code. The easy to use Wizard driven interface also generates HTML documentation for your custom API along with a Sample Application. Defining XML Elements Elements are the main building block of all XML documents, containing the data and determine the structure of the instance document. An element can be defined within an XSD as follows: Each element definition within the XSD must have a 'name' property, which is the tag name that will appear in the XML document. The 'type' property provides the description of what type of data can be contained within the element when it appears in the XML document. There are a number of predefined simple types, such as xs:string, xs:integer, xs:boolean and xs:date (see ).

Elements of these simple data types are said to have a 'simple content model', whereas elements that can contain other elements are said to have a 'complex content model' and elements that can contain both have a 'mixed content model'. You can also create user defined types using the and constructs, which we will cover later. If we have set the type property for an element in the XSD, then the corresponding value in the XML document must be in the correct format for its given type otherwise this will cause a validation error when a validating parser attempts to parse the data from the XML document. Examples of simple elements and their XML data are shown below. Sample XSD Sample XML 2000-01-12T12:13:14Z 99 London Road 5756 Note: A type can be defined as a string but not have any content, this is not true for all data types.

The previous XSD definitions are shown graphically in Liquid Studio as follows: The valid data values for the element in the XML document can be further constrained using the fixed and default properties. Default means that if no value is specified in the XML document then the application reading the document, typically an XML parser or XML Data Binding Library, should use the default specified in the XSD. Fixed means the value in the XML document can only have the value specified in the XSD. For this reason it does not make sense to use both default and fixed in the same element definition, and is invalid to do so.

Specifying Element Cardinality It is possible to constrain the number of instances (cardinality) of an XML element that appear in an XML document. The cardinality is specified using the minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes, and allows an element to be specified as mandatory, optional, or can appear up to a set number of times.

The default values for minOccurs and maxOccurs is 1. Therefore, if both the minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes are absent, as in all the previous examples, the element must appear once and once only. MinOccurs can be assigned any non-negative integer value (e.g.

Etc.), and maxOccurs can be assigned any non-negative integer value or the special string constant 'unbounded' meaning there is no maximum so the element can occur an unlimited number of times. Sample XSD Description If we do not specify minOccurs or maxOccurs, then the default values of 1 are used. This means there has to be one and only one occurrence of Customerdob, i.e. It is mandatory. If we set minOccurs to 0, then the element is optional. Here, a customer can have from 0 to an unlimited number of Customerorders.

Setting both minOccurs and maxOccurs means the element Customerhobbies must appear at least twice, but no more than 10 times. These XSD definitions can be shown graphically in Liquid Studio as follows. Defining Simple Types It is possible to create a new simpleType by restricting an existing simpleType, allowing you to define your own data types. It is possible to restrict a built in type (xs:string, xs:integer, xs:date etc) or one of your own previously defined simpleType's Examples uses:. Defining an ID, this may be an integer with a maximum value limit.

A Postcode or Zip code could be restricted to ensure it is the correct length and complies with a regular expression. Defining a field to have a maximum length.

Creating you own types is covered more thoroughly in the. Tip: To add a Simple Type in the, select menu item Edit-Add Child-Simple Type (Ctrl+Shift+S) or select the toolbar button. Defining Complex Types A xs:complexType provides the definition for an XML Element, it's specifies which element and attributes are permitted and the rules regarding where they can appear and how many times.

They can be used inplace within an element definition or named and defined globally (but more about this later). Examples use: Here are some simple element definitions: We can see that some of these elements should really be represented as child elements, 'Customerdob' and 'Customeraddress' should belong to a parent element – 'Customer'.

Sample Xml And Xsd File

While 'Supplierphone' and 'Supplieraddress' should belong to a parent element 'Supplier'. We can therefore re-write this in a more structured way: The previous XSD definitions are shown graphically in Liquid Studio as follows: What's changed?. We created a definition for an element called 'Customer'. Inside the definition we added a. This is a container for other definitions, allowing us to build a simple hierarchy of elements in the resulting XML document. Note the contained elements for 'Customer' and 'Supplier' do not have a type specified as they do not extend or restrict an existing type, they are a new definition built from scratch. The element contains another new element, but more on these in a minute.

The in turn contains the definitions for the two child elements 'Dob' and 'Address'. Note the customer/supplier prefix has been removed as it is implied from its position within the parent element 'Customer' or 'Supplier'. So in plain English this is saying we can have an XML document that contains an element which must have two child elements and. Example XML 2000-01-12T12:13:14Z 34 thingy street, someplace, sometown, ww1 8uu 22 whatever place, someplace, sometown, ss1 6gy Tip: To add a xs:complexType in the, select menu item Edit-Add Child-Complex Type (Ctrl+Shift+C) or select the toolbar button. Compositor Description Sequence The child elements in the XML document MUST appear in the order they are declared in the XSD schema. Choice Only one of the child elements described in the XSD schema can appear in the XML document. All The child elements described in the XSD schema can appear in the XML document in any order.

Notes The compositors and can be nested inside other compositors, and be given there own minOccurs and maxOccurs properties. This allows for quite complex combinations to be formed. Example The definitions of 'Customer-Address' and 'Supplier-Address' are currently not very usable as they are grouped into a single field. In the real world it would be better break this out into a few fields. Let's fix this by breaking it out using the same technique shown above: The previous XSD definitions are shown graphically in Liquid Studio as follows: This is much better, but we now have two definitions for address, which are the identical. Defining Global Complex Types A xs:complexType can also defined globally and given a name. Named xs:complexTypes can then be re-used throughout the schema, either referenced directly or used as the basis to define other xs:complexTypes.

This makes it possible to build more object oriented data structures that are easier to work with and manage. Looking at our example again, it would make much more sense to have a single definition for 'Address', which could then be used by both customer and supplier.

We can do this by defining a global (named) xs:complexType: The previous XSD definitions are shown graphically in Liquid Studio as follows: We have now defined a that describes our representation of an address, so let's use it. Earlier, when we started looking at elements, we said you could define your own types instead of using one of the standard types such as xs:string or xs:integer, and that is exactly what were now doing. The previous XSD definitions are shown graphically in Liquid Studio as follows: Hopefully, the advantages are obvious. Instead of having to define Address twice (once for Customer and once for Supplier) we now have a single definition. This makes maintenance simpler, i.e. If you decide to add 'Line3' or 'Postcode' elements to your address you only have to add them in one place. Example XML 2000-01-12T12:13:14Z 34 thingy street, someplace sometown, ww1 8uu 22 whatever place, someplace sometown, ss1 6gy Notes Note: Only complex types defined globally (as children of the element can have their own name and be re-used throughout the schema).

If they are defined inline within an they can not have a name (anonymous) and can not be reused elsewhere. Defining XML Attributes An attribute provides extra information within an element.

Attributes have name and type properties and are defined within an XSD as follows: An Attribute can appear 0 or 1 times within a given element in the XML document. Attributes are either optional or mandatory (by default they are optional). The 'use' property in the XSD definition is used to specify if the attribute is optional or mandatory. So the following are equivalent: The previous XSD definitions are shown graphically in Liquid Studio as follows: To specify that an attribute must be present, use='required' (Note: use may also be set to 'prohibited', but we'll come to that later). An attribute is specified within a xs:complexType, the type information for the attribute comes from a xs:simpleType (either defined inline or via a reference to a built in or user defined xs:simpleType definition). The Type information describes the data the attribute can contain in the XML document, i.e. String, integer, date etc.

Xml File Example

Attributes can also be specified globally and then referenced (but more about this later). Sample XSD Sample XML - or no attribute -or no attribute - The default and fixed attributes can be specified within the XSD attribute specification (in the same way as they are for elements). Tip: To add an Attribute in the, select menu item Edit-Add Child-Attribute or select the toolbar button. XML Element Mixed Content So far we have seen how an element can contain data, other elements and attributes. Elements can also contain a combination of all of these.

You can also mix elements and data. You can specify this in the XSD schema by setting the mixed property. A sample XML document could look like this: This is an Example of Mixed Content, Note there are elements mixed in with the elements data.

Sample Xsd And Xml File Software

Notes Mixed content works well for some types of data (HTML being the obvious example), but is very difficult to work with pragmatically and it will cause issues with may productivity tools. Its very rarely needed (and not seen at all in most XSD standards), so if you find yourself thinking of using it, I suggest you examine your design again and make sure you really do!